
Awards and distinctions

“A scientific team that aspires to excellence must optimize all facets of its research and, without a doubt, data analysis is one of the most important”.

At Codas Lab we do not stop at conventional analysis and we always try to go further. This is our philosophy and our way of operating, and it fills us with satisfaction to see them recognized with various awards.

Below you can learn about each of them:

Codas Lab - Awards
  1. Best Poster Award , 8th International Chemometrics Research Meeting, 2024, M. Armstrong.
  2. Best Poster Award, Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, 2023, M. Armstrong.
  3. International “Wolfgang Mehr” Fellowship Award, Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics (IHP), Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 2021, J. Camacho.
  4. Visiting Scholar at Dartmouth Collegue, Fulbright Program, USA, 2018, J. Camacho.
  5. Coauthor of the paper Multivariate Statistical Approach for Anomaly Detection and Lost Data Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks, awarded with the best research work in II Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad, Spain, , 2016, J. Camacho.
  6. Coauthor of the paper Bilinear Modelling of Batch Processes. Part III: Parameter Stability. Journal of Chemometrics, 2014, awarded with the 4th Siemens Process Analytics Prize to a young scientist (younger than 30 years of age) for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics, , 2014, J. Camacho.
  7. Second best poster award (from a total of 110): Principal Component Analysis for very large data sets, VII Colloquium Chemometricum Mediterraneum, 2010, J. Camacho.
  8. Doctoral Dissertation Award, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2009, J. Camacho.
  9. Postdoctoral Fellowship Juan de la Cierva, Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain, 2009 - , J. Camacho.
  10. D.L. Massart Award in Chemometrics for PhD theses worldwide (Biannual and International), Belgian Chemometric Society, 2008, J. Camacho.
  11. Second award to the best Thesis Project in Information Technologies and Communications in Spain, IX Rosina Ribalta, 2007, J. Camacho.
  12. Predoctoral Fellowship Formación de Profesorado Universitario, Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain, 2004 - , J. Camacho.
  13. First Exaequo award to the best Computer Science Project, University of Granada, 2003, J. Camacho.

If you want to receive more information about Codas Lab, do not hesitate to contact us.