“We believe in collaboration with other research groups as the ideal way to evolve and achieve objectives”.
At Codas Lab we are committed to excellence, cooperation and optimization of results. And we put it into practice in each of the projects in which we participate.
Below you can learn about each of these projects (click on the link of any of them for more information):
Visiting Scholar Program: Edoardo Saccenti
Funding entity: Universidad de Granada
From September 2024 to August 2026
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 3
Funding: 12.000,00€
Multi-scale Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Research Data (MuSTARD)
Reference: PID2023-152301OB-I00
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
From September 2024 to August 2027
Principal researcher: José Camacho, Luz García
Number of researchers: 10
Funding: 176.250,00€
Funding entity: Fundación I+D del Software Libre, Fidesol. CPI INCIBE. Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
From March 2024 to February 2026
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 1
Funding: 35.574€
Meta Analyses of Heterogeneous Omics Data
Reference: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01-01
Funding entity: European Comission - MSCA
From May 2024 to April 2026
Principal researcher: Michael Sorochan Armstrong (Superv: José Camacho)
Number of researchers: 2
Funding: 181.152,96€
DigiVolCan - una infraestructura digital para la previsión de erupciónes volcanicas en Canarias
Reference: PLEC2022-009271
Funding entity: Proyectos en líneas estratégicas 2022, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
From December 2022 to November 2025
Principal researcher: Carmen Benítez
Number of researchers:
Funding: 280.025,00€
Refugios biogenicos como moduladores del cambio climático. Proyectos de Transición Ecológica y Transición Digital
Reference: TED2021-130888B-I00
Funding entity: Proyectos de Transición Ecológica y Transición Digital
From December 2022 to November 2024
Principal researcher: Regino Zamora
Number of researchers:
Funding: 417.450,00€
Sensorización Acústica Distribuida de la Fibra de Comunicaciones de las Ciudades: Prueba de Concepto de un Gemelo Digital de la Movilidad Urbana (DASTUM)
Reference: TED2021-132178B-I00
Funding entity: Proyectos de Transición Ecológica y Transición Digital
From December 2022 to November 2024
Principal researcher: Luz García, Carmen Benítez
Number of researchers:
Funding: 109.250,00€
Innovative Multi-disciplinary European Research training network on VolcanoEs
Funding entity: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
From September 2021 to August 2025
Principal researcher: Carmen Benítez
Number of researchers:
Funding: 250.904,88€ (Total: 4.043.158,20€)
Reference: LifeWatch-2019-10-UGR-01
Funding entity: FEDER, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Diputación de Granada
From January 2022 to September 2023
Principal researcher: Regino Zamora
Number of researchers:
Funding: 6.052.480,83
Bioinformatic Sparse models for Omics and Microbiome Analysis in Health (BioSOMAH)
Reference: B-TIC-136-UGR20
Funding entity: Proyectos I+D+i del Programa Operativo FEDER 2020
From July 2021 to June 2023
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 3
Funding: 30.000,00€
Advanced Networkmetrics: Interpretable Machine Learning for Intelligent Communication Systems
Reference: PID2020-113462RB-I00
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
From January 2021 to August 2024
Principal researcher: José Camacho, Antonio Mora
Number of researchers: 7
Funding: 53.724,00€
Multivariate Analysis of Big Data in Software Defined Networks
Reference: MAD-SDN
Funding entity: European Comission - MSCA
From March 2021 to February 2023
Principal researcher: Katarzyna Wasielewska (Superv: José Camacho)
Number of researchers: 2
Funding: 172.932,48€
Reference: EIN2019-103359-83494-R
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
From June 2020 to May 2022
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 3
Funding: 25.000€
Visiting Scholar Program: Age Smilde
Reference: PPVS2018-06
Funding entity: Universidad de Granada
From January 2019 to December 2021
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 6
Funding: 6.000,00€
MDSM: Gestión Dinámica de Seguridad de Dispositivos Móviles
Reference: TIN2017-83494-R
Funding entity: MINECO
From January 2018 to December 2020
Principal researcher: Pedro García-Teodoro, José Camacho
Number of researchers: 14
Funding: 69.817,00€
Laboratorio de Comunicaciones 5G y sus aplicaciones
Reference: UNGR15-CE-3311
Funding entity: Agencia Estatal de Investigación
From January 2016 to December 2018
Principal researcher: Pablo Padilla
Number of researchers:
Funding: 307.453,50€
Visiting Scholar Program: Rasmus Bro
Funding entity: Univeridad de Granada
From January 2018 to December 2019
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 6
Funding: 11.000,00€
Auditoría de seguridad de los sistemas y redes del cloud center de grupo trevenque
Funding entity: Grupo Trevenque
From June 2015 to May 2016
Principal researcher: Gabriel Maciá
Number of researchers: 5
Diseño de un sistema integrado de monitorización y control en el proceso de fermentación en biorreactores (PAID)
Reference: PAID-06-08-3236
Funding entity: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
From December 2008 to December 2010
Principal researcher: José María Prats
Number of researchers: 4
Funding: 8.000,00€
VERITAS: Visualización de Eventos en Red Inteligente para el Tratamiento y Análisis de la Seguridad
Reference: TIN2014-60346-R
Funding entity: MINECO
From January 2015 to December 2017
Principal researcher: José Camacho, Gabriel Maciá
Number of researchers: 11
Funding: 88.814,00€
Contract for Anomaly Detection in Network Security.
Funding entity: ProtectWise Inc. (USA)
From July 2014 to February 2016
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 4
Funding: 70.000,00€
Supervivencia de redes MANET ante incidentes de seguridad
Reference: CICYT TEC2011-22579
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
From January 2012 to December 2014
Principal researcher: Pedro García-Teodoro
Number of researchers: 7
Funding: 56.265,00€
Mejora de la gestión de red mediante análisis y caracterización del tráfico en redes corporativas
Funding entity: SADESI (Junta de Andalucía)
From September 2010 to June 2011
Principal researcher: Gabriel Maciá
Number of researchers: 4
Funding: 25.056,00€
Instalación y puesta a punto de biorreactores
Funding entity: Biopolis, S.L
From May 2008 to March 2009
Principal researcher: José Luis Navarro
Number of researchers: 5
Funding: 30.000,00€
Técnicas estadísticas avanzadas para la mejora de la calidad y la productividad
Funding entity: Repsol YPF, S.A
From September 2008 to January 2009
Principal researcher: Alberto Ferrer
Number of researchers: 4
Funding: 4.500,00€
Fabricación de mosaico cerámico de piezas irregulares
Funding entity: CRISAN S.L.
From September 2003 to September 2004
Principal researcher: Guillermo Peris
Number of researchers: 3
Funding: 28.800,00€
Networkmetrics: The application of mutlivariate data analysis methods in networking
Reference: (CEB09-0010) PYR-2010-12
Funding entity: CEI BioTIC GENIL
From March 2009 to October 2011
Principal researcher: José Camacho
Number of researchers: 2
Funding: 3.000,00€
Seguridad del entorno en redes peer-to-peer
Reference: CICYT TEC2008-06663-C03-02
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología
From January 2009 to December 2011
Principal researcher: Jesús Díaz-Verdejo
Number of researchers: 7
Funding: 56.386,00€
Modelado multiescala en biología de sistemas. Aplicación a la monitorización, optimización y control de bioprocesos
Reference: DPI2008-06880-C03-01
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología
From January 2009 to November 2009
Principal researcher: Jesús Picó
Number of researchers: 6
Funding: 233.046,00€
Aplicación de técnicas de lógica difusa para mejora de calidad de imágenes médicas de tomografía por emisión de positrones
Reference: GVPRE/2008/257
Funding entity: Generalitat Valenciana
From January 2008 to December 2008
Principal researcher: Samuel Morillas
Number of researchers: 7
Funding: 12.450,00€
Diseño de un sistema integrado de monitorización y control en el proceso de fermentación en biorreactores
Reference: GVPRE/2008/298
Funding entity: Generalitat Valenciana
From January 2008 to December 2008
Principal researcher: José Manuel Prats
Number of researchers: 3
Funding: 9.154,00€
INSULAID2 – Control de glucemia en lazo cerrado en pacientes con diabetes mellitus 1 y pacientes críticos
Reference: CICYT DPI2007-66728-C02-01
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología
From October 2007 to September 2010
Principal researcher: Jorge Bondía
Number of researchers: 6
Funding: 195.415,00€
Automatic quality control for industrial printing (MONOTONE)
Reference: G1RD-CT-2002-00783
Funding entity: Unión Europea
From July 2002 to January 2004
Principal researcher: Guillermo Peris
Number of researchers: 39
Funding: 574.856,06€
If you want to receive information about Codas Lab projects, do not hesitate to contact us.
Project developed by Llorch Talavera – Let’s do Webs together!