
Members and collaborators

“High-level research requires high-level data analysis”.

Technological advancement and the dissemination of knowledge make experiments increasingly sophisticated. And this leads to a growing volume of data and greater complexity when interpreting it.

At Codas Lab we are aware of this changing environment and the need to have the right people. Therefore, our team is made up of scientists specialized in data analysis and knowledge generation.

Below you can meet the Codas Lab team:


▪︎ Members

▪︎ Collaborators

Codas Lab - About us


Codas Lab - Team - José Camacho Páez


José Camacho Páez


Head of Codas Lab

▪︎ Professor with the Department of Signal Theory, Telematics and Communication at the University of Granada (Spain).

▪︎ Researcher in the Information and Communication Technologies Research Centre at the University of Granada (Spain).

PhD from the Technical University of Valencia (Spain, 2007).

Degree in Computer Science from the University of Granada (Spain, 2003).

He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Girona (Spain) and a Fulbright fellow at Dartmouth College (USA, 2018). He specializes in extracting knowledge from data and the design of new algorithms for this purpose.

He has more than 100 publications in various media, half of them in highly cited impact journals (JCR).

I love music, mountains and science (in constantly changing order).

“To consult the statistician after an experiment is finished is often merely to ask him to conduct a post mortem examination. He can perhaps say what the experiment died of”.

Ronald Fisher

Codas Lab - Team - Michael Sorochan Armstrong


Michael Sorochan Armstrong


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Codas Lab

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Information Science and Engineering

BSc (Specialization) in Chemistry from the University of Alberta (Canada, 2016).

PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Alberta (Canada, 2021).

He completed his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Alberta (Canada, 2021), where he also worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. He received specialised training in multivariate statistics and machine learning from the International School of Chemometrics at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark, 2019) and completed a research internship in the MacBio Lab at Soochow University (Taiwan, 2016).

His research interests include unsupervised learning, tensor decomposition, and applied mathematics. He was awarded an MSCA grant from the European Union in 2024 to study heterogenous data analysis in Codas Lab, having worked there previously from 2022 as part of the LifeWatch ERIC program as a Data Scientist.

I enjoy taking care of my cats.

“If our gods and hopes are nothing but scientific phenomena, then it must be said that our love is scientific as well”.

L’Ève future (Auguste Villiers de l’Isle-Adam)

Codas Lab - Team - Amen A. Khabeer


Amen A. Khabeer


PhD Candidate in Codas Lab

▪︎ PhD student in the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies at the University of Granada (Spain).

▪︎ Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Technology of Bagdad (Iraq).

BSc in AI Computer Sicence from the University of Technology of Bagdad (Iraq).

Master in Cloud Computing from the University of Leicester (United Kingdom).

She is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Granada (Spain). Her research works are under the supervision of Professor José Camacho in the field of Bioinformatics Data Exploratory Analysis.

I have a deep interest in traveling the world with my husband and son, exploring diverse cultures and places. This passion for discovery and learning enriches not only my personal life but also inspires my approach to collaborative and innovative research.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”.

Theodore Roosevelt

Codas Lab - Team - Ana Camacho Páez


Ana Camacho Páez


Codas Lab

CEO of Rekom Biotech

She has an experience of more than thirty years in design and development of processes regarding the obtaining of recombinant proteins related to infectious diseases. She completed her PhD in the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine López-Neyra in Granada (Spain) and subsequently she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Spanish National Biotechnology Centre in Madrid (Spain).

After this period, she set up the Molecular Biology Department of the biotechnology company Vircell, heading for eight years the Molecular Biology-1 Department, focused on the design and development of recombinant antigens related to infectious diseases.

In 2010 she established the biotechnology company Rekom Biotech in collaboration with the doctors Fernando Camacho Rubio and José Camacho Páez.

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Codas Lab - Team - Jesús García Sánchez


Jesús García Sánchez


PhD Candidate in CoDaS Lab

Researcher at the MuSTARD project

MSc in Physics and Mathematics (Biomathematics specialization) from the University of Granada (Spain, 2024).

BSc in Physics form the University of Granada (Spain, 2022).

Jesús García Sánchez is a PhD candidate at the CoDaS Lab. His PhD research is funded by the MuSTARD project and focuses on the multiscale analysis of spatio-temporal research data. He holds a MSc in Physics and Mathematics, with specialization in Biomathematics. He first joined the CoDaS Lab through the DigiVolCan project, where he worked with seismic data to assist in the forecast of volcanic eruptions using multivariate analysis.

I am passionate about science communication and martial arts, though I rarely mix the two.

“[…] in mice”.

The world’s hardest working little scientist


Codas Lab - Team - Carolina Gómez Llorente


Carolina Gómez Llorente

Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada (Spain). Her research is mainly focused on the study of the influence of the intestinal microbiota on the pathology of diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, asthma, etc. For this she uses omics techniques such as metagenomics, metabolomics and epigenomics.

Together with these techniques, in collaboration with Dr. Camacho, they are using data analysis techniques that allow them to understand the complex mechanisms that contribute to the development of non-communicable diseases.

Currently, his research activity is summarized in 49 publications in JCR, and he has an H index of 23, according to Web of Science.

Codas Lab - Team - Katarzyna Wasielewska


Katarzyna Wasielewska

Former Postdoctoral Researcher at the Research Centre for Information and Communications Technologies (CITIC) of the University of Granada (Spain), as a recipient of the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Program.

She was Assistant Professor with the Institute of Applied Informatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Elblag (Poland).

Her current research interests include network security, network traffic analysis, multivariate network data analysis and machine learning. She has ten years of experience as an ISP network administrator, and is IEEE Senior Member and ACM Member.

If you want to receive information about Codas Lab, do not hesitate to contact us.