
Artículos, ponencias y libros

«Entendemos el análisis de datos como un elemento determinante a la hora de extraer información, interpretar datos y facilitar la toma de decisiones».

En Codas Lab vivimos por y para la Ciencia de datos. Nuestro equipo está integrado por especialistas en esta disciplina, y su labor ha quedado plasmada en numerosas publicaciones.

A continuación puedes conocer cada una de ellas:


▪︎ Artículos

▪︎ Ponencias

▪︎ Libros

Codas Lab - Publications


  1. Polushkina-Merchanskaya, O., Armstrong, M.S., Gómez-Llorente, C., Ferrer, P., Fernandez-Gonzalez, S., Perez-Cruz, M., Gómez-Roig, M.D., Camacho, J.. Considerations for missing data, outliers and transformations in permutation testing for ANOVA with multivariate responses. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 258 : 105320.
  2. Armstrong, M.S., Camacho, J.. An alignment-agnostic methodology for the analysis of designed separations data. Journal of Chemometrics, 39 , (2) : e70002.
  3. Camacho, J., Armstrong, M.S., García-Martínez, L., Díaz, C., Gómez-Llorente, C.. Single-cell spatial (scs) omics: Recent developments in data analysis. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 183 : 118109.
  4. Camacho, J., Rodríguez-Gómez, R.A.. Data quality tools to enhance a network anomaly detection benchmark.. Data, 10 , (3) : 33.
  5. González‐Olmedo, C., et al. . Metabolomics signature as a survival predictor in patients with resectable colorectal liver metastasis . Clinical and Translational Medicine, 14 , (1) : e1541.
  6. Camacho, J., Wasielewska, K., Bro, R., Kotz, D. . Interpretable Feature Learning in Multivariate Big Data Analysis for Network Monitoring.. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. , 21 , (3) : 2926 - 2943.
  7. Saccenti, E., Timmerman, M.E., Camacho, J.. A simulation study of the effects of additive, multiplicative, correlated and uncorrelated error on Principal Components Analysis. Journal of Chemometrics, 38 , (12) : e3595.
  8. Camacho, J., Sorochan Armstrong, M. . Population Power Curves in ASCA with Permutation Testing. Journal of Chemometrics, 38 , (12) : e3596.
  9. Camacho, J., Vitale, R., Morales-Jiménez, D., Gómez-Llorente, C.. Variable-Selection ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis. Bioinformatics, 39 , (1) : btac795.
  10. Koleini, F., Hugelier, S., Lakeh, M.A., Abdollahi, H., Camacho, J., Gemperline, P.J.. On the complementary nature of ANOVA simultaneous component analysis (ASCA+) and Tucker3 tensor decompositions on designed multi-way datasets. Journal of Chemometrics, 37 , (11) : e3514.
  11. Díaz, C., et al. . Predicting dynamic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer: a novel metabolomics approach. Molecular Oncology, 16 , (14) : 2658 - 2671.
  12. Camacho, J., Díaz, C., Sánchez-Rovira, P.. Permutation Tests for ASCA in Multivariate Longitudinal Intervention Studies. Journal of Chemometrics, 37 , (7) : e3398.
  13. García-Teodoro, P., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Gómez-Hernández, J.A., López-Marín, V.. A Novel Zero-Trust Network Access Control Scheme based on the Security Profile of Devices and Users . Computer Networks, 212 : 109068.
  14. Jiménez-Carvelo, A.M., Martín-Torres, S., Ortega-Gavilán, F., Camacho, J. . PLS-DA vs Sparse PLS-DA in food traceability. A case study: authentication of avocado samples. Talanta, 224 : 121904.
  15. Camacho, J., Smilde, A.K., Saccenti, E., Westerhuis, J., Bro, R. . All Sparse PCA Models Are Wrong, But Some Are Useful. Part II: Limitations and Problems of Deflation . Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 208 : 104212.
  16. Fuentes-García, N.M., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G.. Present and Future of Network Security Monitoring. IEEE Access, 9 : 112744 - 112760.
  17. Gómez-Hernández, J., Camacho, J., Holgado-Terriza, J., García-Teodoro, P., Maciá-Fernández, G.. ARANAC: A Bring-Your-Own-Permissions Network Access Control Methodology for Android Devices. IEEE Access, 9 : 101321 - 101334.
  18. Camacho, J., Smilde, A.K., Saccenti, E., Westerhuis, J.. All Sparse PCA Models Are Wrong, But Some Are Useful. Part I: Computation of Scores, Residuals and Explained Variance. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 196 : 1039072.
  19. Camacho, J., McDonald, C., Peterson, R., Zhou, X. . Longitudinal Analysis of a Campus Wi-Fi Network. Computer Networks, 179 : 107103.
  20. Magán-Carrión, R., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Ruiz-Zafra, A. . MSNM-Sensor: An Effective Tool for Real-Time Monitoring and Anomaly Detection in Complex Networks and Systems. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 16 , (5) .
  21. Camacho, J., Acar, E., Rasmunssen, M., Bro, R.. Cross-product Penalized Component Analysis (X-CAN). Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 203 : 104038.
  22. Tortorella, S., Servili, M., Toschi, T.G., Cruciani, G., Camacho, J. . Subspace Discriminant Index to Expedite Exploration of Multi-Class Omics Data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 206 : 104160.
  23. Gómez-Llorente, A., et al., Gómez-Llorente, C.. A Multi-omics Approach Reveals New Signatures in Obese Allergic Asthmatic Children. Biomedicines , 8 , (9) : 359.
  24. Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Fuentes-García, N.M., Saccenti, E.. Semi-supervised Multivariate Statistical Network Monitoring for Learning Security Threats. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 14 , (8) : 2179 - 2189.
  25. Tenorio-Jiménez, C., et al., Gómez-Llorente, C.. Lactobacillus reuteri V3401 Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers and Modifies the Gastrointestinal Microbiome in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: The PROSIR Study. Nutrients, 11 : 1761.
  26. Camacho, J., Therón, R., García-Giménez, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., García-Teodoro, P.. Group-Wise Principal Component Analysis for Exploratory Intrusion Detection. IEEE Access, 7 : 113081.
  27. Fuentes-García, N.M., González-Martinez, J.M., Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J. . PARAMO: Enhanced Data Pre-processing in Batch Multivariate Statistical Process Control. Journal of Chemometrics, 33 , (12) : e3188.
  28. Camacho, J., García-Giménez, J., Fuentes-García, N.M., Maciá-Fernández, G. . Multivariate Big Data Analysis for Intrusion Detection: 5 steps from the haystack to the needle. Computers & Security, 87 : 101603.
  29. Camacho, J., Saccenti, E. . Group-wise Partial Least Squares Regression. Journal of Chemometrics, 32 : 1 - 11.
  30. Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J., Magán-Carrión, R., García-Teodoro, P., Therón, R.. Ugr'16: a new dataset for the evaluation of cyclostationarity-based network IDSs. Computer & Security, 73 : 411 - 424.
  31. Fuentes-García, N.M., Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J.. Evaluation of diagnosis methods in PCA-based Multivariate Statistical Process Control. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 172 : 194 - 210.
  32. Suárez-Tangil, S., Dash, S.K., García-Teodoro, P., Camacho, J., Cavallaro, L. . Anomaly-based Exploratory Analysis and Detection of Exploits in Android Mediaserver. IET Information Security, 12 , (5) : 404 - 413.
  33. Saccenti, E., Smilde, A.K., Camacho, J.. Group-wise ANOVA simultaneous component analysis for designed omics experiments. Metabolomics, 14 , (6) : 73.
  34. González-Martinez, J.M., Camacho, J., Ferrer, A.J.. MVBatch: A matlab toolbox for batch process modeling and monitoring. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 183 : 122 - 133.
  35. Camacho, J., Rodríguez-Gómez, R., Saccenti, E.. Group-wise Principal Component Analysis for Exploratory Data Analysis. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics , 26 , (3) : 501 - 512.
  36. Camacho, J.. On the Generation of Random Multivariate Data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 160 : 40 - 51.
  37. Magán-Carrión, R., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P., Flushing, E., Caro, G. . A Dynamical Relay Node placement Solution for MANETs. Computer Communications, 114 , (1) : 36 - 50.
  38. Camacho, J., Pérez-Villegas, A., García-Teodoro, P., Maciá-Fernández, G.. PCA-based Multivariate Statistical Network Monitoring for Anomaly Detection . Computers & Security, 59 : 118 - 137.
  39. Camacho, J., Magán-Carrión, R., García-Teodoro, P., Treinen, J.J.. Networkmetrics: Multivariate Big Data Analysis in the Context of the Internet. Journal of Chemometrics, 30 , (9) : 487.
  40. Magán-Carrión, R., Rodríguez-Gómez, R., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P.. Optimal Relay Placement in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. Ad hoc Networks, 46 : 23 - 36.
  41. Camacho, J., Laurí, D., Lennox, B., Escabias, M., Valderrama, M.. Evaluation of smoothing techniques in the run to run optimization of fed-batch processes with u-PLS. Journal of Chemometrics, 29 , (6) : 338 - 348.
  42. Camacho, J., Pérez-Villegas, A., Rodríguez-Gómez, R., Jiménez-Mañas, E.. Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis (MEDA) Toolbox. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 143 : 49 - 57.
  43. Magán-Carrión, R., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P. . Multivariate Statistical Approach for Anomaly Detection and Lost Data Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015 : 1 - 20.
  44. Saccenti, E., Camacho, J.. On the use of the observation-wise k-fold operation in PCA cross-validation. Journal of Chemometrics, 29 , (8) : 467 - 478.
  45. Saccenti, E., Camacho, J.. Determining the number of components in principal components analysis: A comparison of statistical, crossvalidation and approximated methods. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 149 : 99 - 116.
  46. González-Martinez, J.M., Camacho, J., Ferrer, A.J.. Bilinear Modelling of Batch Processes. Part III: Parameter Stability. Journal of Chemometrics, 28 , (1) : 10 - 27.
  47. Laurí, D., Lennox, B., Camacho, J.. Model predictive control for batch processes: Ensuring validity of predictions. Journal of Process Control, 24 , (1) : 239 - 249.
  48. Camacho, J., Ferrer, A.J.. Cross-validation in PCA models with the element-wise k-fold (ekf) algorithm: Practical Aspects.. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 131 : 37 - 50.
  49. Camacho, J.. Visualizing Big data with Compressed Score Plots: Approach and Research Challenges. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 135 : 110 - 125.
  50. Padilla, P., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Díaz-Verdejo, J., García-Teodoro, P., Gómez-Calero, C.. On the Influence of the Propagation Channel in the Performance of Energy-Efficient Geographic Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Wireless Personal Communications, 70 , (1) : 15 - 38.
  51. Camacho, J., Padilla, P., García-Teodoro, P., Díaz-Verdejo, J.. A Generalizable Dynamic Flow Pairing Method for Traffic Classification. Computer Networks, 57 , (14) : 2718 - 2732.
  52. Camacho, J., Ferrer, A.J. . Cross-validation in PCA models with the element-wise k-fold (ekf) algorithm: theoretical aspects. Journal of Chemometrics, 26 , (7) : 361 - 373.
  53. Camacho, J., Padilla, P., Díaz-Verdejo, J., Smith, K., Lovett, D.. Least-squares approximation of a space distribution for a given covariance and latent sub-space. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 105 , (2) : 171 - 180.
  54. Camacho, J.. Observation-based missing data methods for exploratory data analysis to unveil the connection between observations and variables in latent subspace models. Journal of Chemometrics, 25 , (11) : 592 - 600.
  55. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J.. Data understanding with PCA: Structural and Variance Information plots. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 100 , (1) : 48 - 56.
  56. Camacho, J.. Missing-data theory in the context of exploratory data analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 103 , (1) : 8 - 18.
  57. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J.. On-line monitoring of batch processes based on PCA: Does the modelling structure matter?. Analytica Chimica Acta, 642 , (1-2) : 59 - 68.
  58. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J.. Bilinear Modelling of Batch Processes. Part I: Theoretical Discussion. Journal of Chemometrics, 22 , (5) : 299 - 308.
  59. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J.. Bilinear Modelling of Batch Processes. Part II: A comparison of PLS soft-sensors. Journal of Chemometrics, 22 , (10) : 533 - 547.
  60. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J.. Multi-Phase Analysis Framework for Handling Batch Process Data. Journal of Chemometrics, 22 , (11-12) : 632 - 643.
  61. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J.. Self-tuning run to run optimization of fed-batch processes using unfold-PLS. AIChE Journal, 53 , (7) : 1789 - 1804.
  62. Camacho, J., Picó, J.. Monitorización de procesos por lotes mediante pca multifase. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial , 3 , (3) : 78 - 91.
  63. Camacho, J., Morillas, S., Latorre, P. . Efficient impulsive noise suppression based on statistical confidence limits.. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 50 , (5) : 427 - 436.
  64. Camacho, J., Picó, J.. Multi-phase principal component analysis for batch processes modelling. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 81 , (2) : 127 - 136.
  65. Camacho, J., Picó, J.. Online Monitoring of Batch Processes using Multi-Phase Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Process Control, 10 , (16) : 1021 - 1035.


  1. Camacho, J. ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis for the Efficient Exploration of Massive Network Traffic Data. 37th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2024) , Seoul (Korea), .
  2. Adán-López, R., Fernández-Martínez, D., Rodríguez-Gómez, R.A., Camacho, J. Coupled Design and Analysis of Experiments in Network Management. 37th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2024) , Seoul (Korea), .
  3. García, J., Camacho, J., Dey, P.S., Fakhruzi, I., Benítez, C., Barrancos, J., D’Auria, L., García, L., Exploratory Data Analysis of Seismic Data using Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Principal Component Analysis. 9th International Conference in Spectral Imaging–IASIM, Bilbao (Spain), .
  4. Camacho, J., Fakhruzi, I., Dey, P.S., García, L., Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis of Mobility Patterns using Distributed Acoustic Sensing. 9th International Conference in Spectral Imaging–IASIM, Bilbao (Spain), .
  5. Díaz, C., Camacho, J., González-Olmedo, C., Sánchez, P., Fernández-Godino, R., Metabolomics using variable selection ANOVA simultaneous component analysis (VASCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) to predict relapse and survival in metastatic colorectal cancer. Metabolomics. Metabolomics, Osaka (Japan), .
  6. Giskeødegård, G.F., Madssen, T.S., Camacho, J., Jarmund, A.H., Smilde, A., Westerhuis, J., Statistical validation of multivariate effects in longitudinal study designs. Metabolomics. Metabolomics, Osaka (Japan), .
  7. Sorochan Armstrong, M. Sandau C., Workflow democratization for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography – high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry data. 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop, Los Angeles (United States), .
  8. Sorochan Armstrong, M., An ASCA-like factorization for heterogeneous data. 8th International Chemometrics Research Meeting, Soesterberg (Netherlands), .
  9. Sorochan Armstrong, M. Camacho J., An alignment-agnostic method of analyzing separations data with Fast Fourier Transform - ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis. 8th International Chemometrics Research Meeting, Soesterberg (Netherlands), .
  10. Sorochan Armstrong, M. Open-source pre-processing platform for GC×GC-TOFMS data in the Python software ecosystem. American Chemical Society Fall Meeting, Denver (United States), .
  11. Sorochan Armstrong, M., Camacho, J., Replicate mode analysis for nested experimental designs in ANOVA – PARAFAC (PARAFASCA) models. Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC 20024), San José (Argentina), .
  12. Camacho, J. Invited Keynote: ASCA solutions for complex experimental and observational data. Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC 20024), San José (Argentina), .
  13. Camacho, J., Wasielewska, K., Espinosa, P., Fuentes-García, M. Quality In / Quality Out: Data quality more relevant than model choice in anomaly detection with the UGR’16. . IEEE/IFIP Network Operation and Service Management (NOMS), Miami (USA), .
  14. Camacho, J. Simulation Power Curves in ASCA. Topics in Chemometrics, Rostock (Germany), .
  15. Camacho, J. NetMob 2013 Data Analysis with ASCA. Netmob 2023, Madrid (Spain), .
  16. Camacho, J., Saccenti, E., Smilde, A. Comparison of VASCA, GASCA and its combined version G-VASCA.. XI Colloquium Chemometricum Mediterraneum, Padova (Italy), .
  17. Polushkina, O., Ferrer, P., Fernandez-Gonzalez S., Pérez-Cruz M., Gómez-Roig M.D., Camacho, J., Gómez-Llorente, C. Application of VASCA in Longitudinal Data. XI Colloquium Chemometricum Mediterraneum, Padova (Italy), .
  18. Sorochan Armstrong, M., Lázaro-González, A., Mellado, M., Camacho, J., Zamora, R. Uncertainty estimation in ANOVA-Simultaneous Component Analysis – PARAFAC (PARAFASCA) for visualisation of complex interactions in factorial mistletoe metabolomics data. Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Gothenburg (Sweden), .
  19. Sorochan Armstrong, M., Camacho, J., Zamora, R. Interpolative inverse non-uniform fast Fourier transform for recovery of bilinear structures in parallel, irregularly-sampled time domain signals . Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Gothenburg (Sweden), .
  20. Martínez, C., García, L., Titos, M., Carthy, J. Camacho, J., Mota, S. Generating a Mobility-Pattern Database for Urban Traffic Monitoring Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing. IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, CA (United States), .
  21. Camacho, J., Wasielewska, K. Dataset Quality Assessment in Autonomous Networks with Permutation Testing. Seventh IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Analytics for Network and Service Management, Bucarest (Hungary), .
  22. Villar-Argaiz, M., et al. Citizen Science in Sierra Nevada: a necessary step forward in mountain water research and conservation. International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck (Austria), .
  23. Villar-Argaiz, M., et al. The heat is on: Rising trend in water temperature of high mountain lakes with variable depth and geomorphometric features. International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck (Austria), .
  24. Camacho, J., Díaz, C., Sánchez-Rovira, P. Analyzing omics data from clinical interventions with ASCA. SEIO 2022, Granada (Spain), .
  25. Wasielewska, K., Cejka, T., Soukup, D., Camacho, J. Evaluation of Detection Limit in Network Dataset Quality Assessment with Permutation Testing. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML-PKDD 2022, 4th Workshop on Machine Learning for Cybersecurity (MLCS), Grenoble (France), .
  26. Camacho, J., Polushkina, O.A., Gómez-Llorente, C., Díaz, C., Sánchez-Rovira, P. Improved statistical inference in omics analysis with Variable-selection Anova Simultaneous Component Analysis (VASCA). X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium, Valencia (Spain), .
  27. Camacho, J. Networkmetrics for Network Monitoring and Security- Invited Keynote. The 10th Prague Embedded Systems Workshop, Prague (Czeck Rep.), .
  28. Wasielewska, K., Soukup, D., Cejka, T., Camacho, J. Dataset Quality Assessment in Autonomous Networks with Permutation Testing. The 10th Prague Embedded Systems Workshop, Prague (Czeck Rep.), .
  29. Khabeer A. A., Vitale R, Morales-Jimenez D. and Gómez-Llorente C. Camacho J. Variable-Selection ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis. Metabolomics, Valencia (Spain), .
  30. Gómez-Hernández, J., García-Teodoro, P., Holgado-Terriza, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J. A Monitoring Multidimensional Feature Android Application to Secure Mobile Environments. 6th International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC 2021), Online (), .
  31. Gómez-Hernández, J., García-Teodoro, P., Holgado-Terriza, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J., Noguera-Comino, J. Monitoring Android Communications for Security. Poster. IEEE INFOCOM, Online (), .
  32. Peters, T., Pierson, T., Sen, S., Camacho, J., Kotz, D. Recurring Verification of Interaction Authenticity Within Wireless Networks. 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2021), Abu Dabhi (UAE), .
  33. Mañas-Martinez, E., Cabrera, E., Wasielewska, K., Kotz, D., Camacho, J. Mining Social Interactions in Connection Traces of a Campus Wi-Fi Network. Poster. ACM SIGCOMM'21, Online (), .
  34. Cuberos, F., Herrera, I., Wasielewska, K., Camacho, J. Network Tomography and Partial Least Squares for Traffic Matrix Estimation. Poster. 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2021), Izmir (Turkey), .
  35. Camacho, J., Bro, R., Kotz, D. MBDA in Action. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Berlin (Germany), .
  36. Camacho, J. Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection in CyberDefense. South Tech Week, Granada (Spain), .
  37. Camacho, J., Smilde, A.K., Saccenti, E., Westerhuis, J.A. All sparse PCA models are wrong, but some are useful. Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC16), Oslo (Norway), .
  38. Camacho, J., Acar, E., Rasmunssen, M., Bro, R. X-CAN: Cross-Penalized Component Analysis. Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC16), Oslo (Norway), .
  39. Fuentes-García, N.M., González-Martinez, J.M., Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J. PARAMO: Enhanced Data Pre-processing in Batch Multivariate Statistical Process Control. Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC16), Oslo (Norway), .
  40. Camacho, J. Multivariate Statistical Control in the Big Data Context. II Arctic Analysis, (Iceland), .
  41. Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P., Maciá-Fernández, G. Traffic Monitoring and Diagnosis with Multivariate Statistical Network Monitoring: A Case Study. IEEE Security & Privacy International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC 2017), San Jose, California (USA), .
  42. Camacho, J., Saccenti, E., Therón, R. Group-wise Principal Component Analysis. Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC15), Naantali (Finland), .
  43. Fuentes-García, N.M., Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J. A Univariate Approach for Diagnosis in PCA-MSPC. Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC15), Naantali (Finland), .
  44. Therón, R., Magán-Carrión, R., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G. Network-wide intrusion detection supported by multivariate analysis and interactive visualization. VizSec, Phoenix (USA), .
  45. Tortorella, S., Camacho, J. GPCA for improved multivariate analysis interpretation in lipidomics. Wenvomics, Barcelona (Spain), .
  46. Arteaga, F., Camacho, J., Ferrer, A.J. Orthogonal Procrustes Problem to generate multivariate datasets by simultaneously controlling the covariances structure and the rows distribution. Mini Arctic Workshop, Valencia (Spain), .
  47. Camacho, J., Saccenti, E., González-Martinez, J.M. Cross validation in Sparse PLS. Mini Arctic Workshop, Valencia (Spain), .
  48. González-Martinez, J.M., Fuentes-García, N.M., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G. Parameter stability and its effects on bilinear modelling of batch processes. Mini Arctic Workshop, Valencia (Spain), .
  49. Camacho, J. Multivariate Big Data Analysis and its Application on Internet. Invited Keynote: 16th Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Barcelona (Spain), .
  50. Magán-Carrión, R., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P., Flushing, E., Caro, G. DRNS: Dynamical Relay Node Placement Solution. PAAMS, Sevilla (Spain), .
  51. Fuentes-García, N.M., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G. Fault Diagnosis : Contribution plots Vs oMEDA. 16th Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Barcelona (Spain), .
  52. Therón, R., Camacho, J. Visual Steering in Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis. 16th Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Barcelona (Spain), .
  53. Iturbe, M., Camacho, J., Garitano, I., Zurutuza, U., Uribeetxeberria, R. On the Feasibility of Distinguishing Between Process Disturbances and Intrusions in Process Control Systems using Multivariate Statistical Process Control. The 3rd International Workshop on Reliability and Security Aspects for Critical Infrastructure, Tolouse (France), .
  54. Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P., Rodríguez-Gómez, R. Hierarchical PCA-Based Multivariate Statistical Network Monitoring for Anomaly Detection. 8th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Abu Dhabi (UAE), .
  55. Camacho, J., Therón, R., Magán-Carrión, R. Exploratory Analysis on Big Data using the MEDA ToolboxPresent and Future. Mini Arctic Workshop, Groningen (Netherlands), .
  56. Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., García-Teodoro, P., Therón, R. Exploratory Analysis in Big Data based on PCA and PLS. Invited Keynote: 14th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Sardinia (Italy), .
  57. Maciá-Fernández, G., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P. A Multiagent Self-healing System against Security Incidents in MANETs. Workshop on Active Security through Multi-Agent Systems (WASMAS), Salamanca (Spain), .
  58. Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Díaz-Verdejo, J., García-Teodoro, P. Tackling the Big Data 4 Vs for Anomaly Detection. INFOCOM'2014 Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data, Toronto (Canada), .
  59. Magán-Carrión, R., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P. A Security Response Approach based on the Deployment of Mobile Agents. 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2013), Salamanca (Spain), .
  60. Magán-Carrión, R., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P. A Security Response Approach Based on the Deployment of Mobile Agents: A Practical Vision. 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2013), Salamanca (Spain), .
  61. Magán-Carrión, R., Pulido, F., Camacho, J., García-Teodoro, P. Tampered Data Recovery in WSNs through Dynamic PCA and Variable Routing Strategies. ICCNS - Journal of Communications, Vol. 8, November, (), .
  62. Camacho, J., Padilla, P., Díaz-Verdejo, J. Exploratory data analysis: a latent subspace approach. 5th International Chemometrics Research Meeting, Berg en Dal (Netherlands), .
  63. Camacho, J., Padilla, P., Salcedo-Campos, F.J., Díaz-Verdejo, J., García-Teodoro, P. Pair-wise Similarity Criteria for Flows Identification in P2P/non-P2P Traffic Classification. The Third International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems, Lisbon (Portugal), .
  64. Camacho, J., Díaz-Verdejo, J. Principal Component Analysis for very large data sets. VII Colloquium Mediterraneum, Granada (Spain), .
  65. Camacho, J., Bondía, J., Vehí, J., Fernández-Real, J.M. Application of missing data methods for exploratory data analysis in medical research. VII Colloquium Mediterraneum, Granada (Spain), .
  66. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. Crossvalidation in Principal Component Analysis: searching for the best approach. 12th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Anvers (Belgium), .
  67. Ferrer, A.J., Camacho, J., González-Martinez, J.M. Issues on Batch Multi-Variate Statistical Process Control. Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition, Somerset (USA), .
  68. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. Run-to-run optimization of fed-batch processes with unfold-PLS. IFPAC, Baltimore (USA), .
  69. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. Multi-phase analysis framework: pattern recognition for batch process modelling. IFPAC, Baltimore (USA), .
  70. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. Covariance Maps for Batch Process Modelling. 11th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Loen/Stryn (Norway), .
  71. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. Data Understanding with Principal Component Analysis. 11th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Loen/Stryn (Norway), .
  72. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. New advances in the on-line monitoring of batch processes. IFPAC, Baltimore (USA), .
  73. Camacho, J. New Methods Based on the Projection to Latent Structures for Monitoring, Prediction and Optimization of Batch Processes. Invited Presentation. 9th Belgian Chemometrics Symposium, Gembloux (Belgium), .
  74. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. Leave-n-Samples-Out Cross-validation in PCA for Missing Data Recovery and Robustness in front of Measurement Noise. 11thconference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Montpellier (France), .
  75. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. On-line monitoring of batch processes: Does the modelling structure matter?. 11th Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Montpellier (France), .
  76. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. Multi-Phase Analysis Framework for Handling Batch Process Data. 10th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Laapperanta (Finland), .
  77. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. A new look at the dynamic covariance structure of various approaches for batch process modelling. 10th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Laapperanta (Finland), .
  78. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. New Cross-Validation Methods in Principal Component Analysis. 10th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Laapperanta (Finland), .
  79. Camacho, J., Picó, J., Ferrer, A.J. A new algorithm for selecting the unfolding method and the number of sub-models in batch process modelling with PCA. 10th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Laapperanta (Finland), .
  80. Mellado, M., Correcher, C., de Molina, R.M., Camacho, J., Benet, G. Simulation of mobile robot applications with VirtualRobot. International Industrial Simulation Conference, Berlin (Germany), .
  81. Camacho, J., de Molina, R.M., Martín, E. Control Adaptativo para el Seguimiento de Robots. Workshop en Agentes Físicos (Congreso Español De Informática), Granada (Spain), .
  82. Camacho, J., de Molina, R.M., Martín, E., Mellado, M. Implementing a Cooperative Framework among Bio-inspired Robots based on Phonotaxis. Multi Agent Robotic Systems, International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Barcelona (Spain), .

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