At Codas Lab we study your case, assimilate your problem and take the necessary measures to analyze your data and extract the greatest possible knowledge from it.
This service is developed within our Knowledge discovery in Big Data research line.
We study with you the particularities of your problem and the challenges posed by your data (collection, missing values, size and complexity…).
We analyze the needs of your project and depending on its characteristics we choose to approach it as a collaboration or as a service.
In the event that we approach your project as a collaboration, we will establish its characteristics between both parties, taking into account the needs of the research and the costs linked to it.
In the event that we approach your project as a service, we will send you a personalized quote.
We carry out the following tasks:
▪︎ We develop data pipelines and software.
▪︎ We prepare reports that include detailed data analysis with interpretable visualizations.
▪︎ We provide the materials (pipelines, software and images).
We iterate the process until all doubts and questions generated by the analysis are addressed.
We present the conclusions of our analyzes to help you in making decisions.
▪︎ We explore data using standard techniques widely used in your field of research or in similar problems in other fields (social sciences, education, medicine, chemistry…).
▪︎ We develop new analysis methods for specific problems.
▪︎ We integrate our pipelines into open software, web services and existing platforms.
▪︎ We organize practical courses and data exploration training.
If you want to receive more information about our Insight into research data service, do not hesitate to contact us.
Project developed by Llorch Talavera – Let’s do Webs together!