
DAaaS: Data Analysis as a Service

Data Analysis as a Service (DAaaS) is an online service designed to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of data of any type.

To access this service you have to request a free account to the email animalicos@ugr.es. To do so, please indicate:

  1. In the body of the message a brief introduction of your reasons to use the service. This is only for our own documentation.
  2. The subject line should be DAaaS account request.

Once you have your username and password you will be able to access the DAaaS here.

The following figure shows the architecture of the DAaaS service. In a Docker container a front end with Jupyter is presented through which GNU Octave, MEDA Toolbox and FCParser can be used in order to interpret the behavior of the data to be analyzed.

When you start the service, sample data are automatically loaded to familiarize yourself with the environment. We recommend that you follow the tutorial linked here to understand in depth these example data and the analysis process proposed in the DAaaS. Remember that you will also have a personal space where you can upload your data and analyze them with the DAaaS tools following the same methodology described in the tutorial or your own data analysis approach.